Friday, January 21, 2011

the oven trick.....

Well it has been 3 years since any update with the DFI lanparty DK P35 Series. Wait wait think I bought it a operating system in the last 3 years... Thats it.
Today a fresh DX11 video card.
Corsair T50 water Cooler for the cpu. 
And last a OCZ Vertex 2 ssd 120gb drive.
The Solid State Drive is insane. Some bad at first due to not knowing it. PITA to firmware update it on this motherboard. The AHCI configuration just doesn't jive it bounces all over the place its in then out... OMG I honestly thought i was going to snap... Then it just worked after stroking its chips a little!
For the last 8 hrs been picking Windows 7 clean of the bloat.. And slowly getting more space back... and 175 more things to remove. After its all said and done... I should have the ultimate platform then onto "Acronis" Data backup software and disaster recovery solutions help you back up hard disk drive files. 
I should.... Never have to reformat again.......
Might try the oven trick on my antique 8800gts not that it needs it but WTF not... 

The funniest bit out of all this is I had the complete system up for sale for peanuts... Just giving it away & we got snow today so figured give it a raging overclock!  Its been running Prime for 10+ hrs at 4.0ghz runs stable and FAST! So it deserves some fresh new parts.
An old  Intel Core 2 Quad Q6700/2.66ghz is and will be running from now on at 4Ghz LOL. Glad I played today...Saved some money. 

Pictures of the VideoCard in the oven trick... It works just look at the pages on these threads! ROFL..

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